About Me

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I am addicted to coffee, comedy TV shows, and trying new things. I drink red wine and eat pistachio ice cream. I find the humor in everything I can, and think that I should share it. Sometimes my life is kind of embarrassing and ridiculous. These are my stories.

Friday, May 25, 2012

La la la la pretty bubbles!

Sometimes I embarrass myself. And sometimes I am just so freaking psyched to be me that embarrassment is utterly impossible. Last night, while the rest of the world was judging me hardcore, was one of the latter times.

After a particularly long day of work where I ended up working overtime for a replacement who simply didn’t feel the need to show up, and being told by a 90 year old woman that I look “tacky” for not wearing nylons with my heels, I really needed some stress relief. My first course of action was mindless zoning out via Super Mario Brothers and Tetris. Mario always makes me think of the Big Bang Theory episode when Sheldon decides to “break out the redbull and rock Mario old school.” And I am tempted to say things like “hop you little plumber, hop!”

Once I had reached the brink of (relative) sanity, I ventured out to my neighborhood Safeway in search of bubble bath and wine. I did allof my usual shopping first and then started toward the bubble bath aisle. My boyfriend, far too manly to ever be seen near (gasp) bubble bath, chose to start looking for wine. I walked alone into the aisle among pretty pink bottles with grown-up ingredients like avocado and honey. There were three types of bubble bath to choose from. One was a classic bright pink bottle of Mr. Bubble. To the left of that, a bottle of luxurious vanilla scented bubbles, and finally a double sized, princess shaped, purple bottle with the Disney Princesses on the front. Two guesses for which one I picked.

I went skipping down the aisle, Disney Princess bottle in hand, until I arrived at my boyfriend. I may have loudly said things like “I am a PRINCESS!!!” and “Look at my super cool bubble bath! I’m the coolest in school!” While his face turned red, he couldn’t help but smile a little. This is what he signed up for when he decided to date me. I’m still about 7 years old half of the time.

Of course, I am not actually a fictional princess, and eventually I had to face reality. I got to the checkout with my two bottles of red wine, oversized Disney bubble bath, and 30 cans of wet cat food. I surveyed my purchase and proclaimed to the man standing in front of us, “it’s okay….even I judge me right now.”

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