About Me

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I am addicted to coffee, comedy TV shows, and trying new things. I drink red wine and eat pistachio ice cream. I find the humor in everything I can, and think that I should share it. Sometimes my life is kind of embarrassing and ridiculous. These are my stories.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Aaaaarrrrrrgggghhh! Gggggrrraaaahhhh!

I have wanted to pull out my own hair pretty much daily since I graduated college. Please consider this an open letter to everyone who says college is a must- YOU LIED. College has done nothing for me whatsoever except leave me trapped between a rock and a crazy place since I received my diploma. Now, I realize that college is a wonderful thing for people who want to be, say, doctors or engineers. College is certainly necessary for teachers and scientists. But what about the rest of us? What about the people who went to school for four years and learned some really interesting facts about volcanoes and women's history and very little about how the hell to make it in the real world after graduation? Why didn't anyone sit me down and say, "hey, you know this big fancy college you want to attend because it seems fun and cool? Well it's going to leave you with mountains of debt. And because we live in a crappy economy, you're going to have to pay this debt off while working a post-college job that doesn't even require a degree. And you know that dream you have of becoming a writer? Yeah.....that would be much more likely if you weren't working all the time to pay off loans you shouldn't have taken out in the first place...."

Which leaves me feeling exactly like this woman

I know this is just a part of growing up that is to be expected, but I don't accept it. I refuse to buy into the idea that this is all there is. So come hell or high water (or debtors prison) I am going to rise above all this disappointment. If not, I might actually look like this guy. And that is simply not acceptable.

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